Sunday, March 14, 2010

Soaked granola

A while ago, Becca and I had a conversation about soaking grains. It was a concept I was just starting to learn about and since then, I have read 100s of articles about it.

It all boils down to this:

Whole grains have phytic acid in them (an enzyme inhibitor), which makes them hard to digest. The basic idea is if you soak your grains, it releases the phytic acid, therefore making the grains more easily absorbed by the body.

There is a certain method you have to follow when you soak grains and I have found that, while it adds to prep time, it is easily done. It just take a little thinking ahead.

My first attempt at soaking grains was in making granola.
Boy Howdy! This stuff is delicious and packed with nutrition! I have made 3 batches so far with one more soaking on the counter as I type.

I got the instructions for this granola from my blogging friend, Kara. When it comes to grains, this girl knows her stuff. Here is what she has to say about making granola at home:

Granola is great to have on hand for a filling, shelf stable snack and a quick breakfast cereal. Commercial boxed breakfast cereals are dangerously toxic. It is so sad that so many people are eating these every day, sometimes twice a day, most of the time doubling or tripling the serving size. The media and FDA have pushed these boxes as health food. Sadly, even the low sugar, color-free, natural and organic brands are making us sick. The problem is with the way that the grain is processed; high temperature, high pressure. This process of extrusion destroys nutrients and fatty acids and renders the amino acids toxic.

This food is easy to digest and the nutrients are easily absorbed because proper care is taken in the preparation. Do yourself a big favor and master the art of nourishing granola making.

I got started on my granola then snapped this shot of my ingredient line-up (which is missing quite a few things):
Everything I used was organic (minus 1 Tb cinnamon)

If you want Karas recipe, go here. This is my version and may I say it is mighty tasty! I wish everyone who reads this could stop by for a handful. It really is good stuff! (Becca I will have some for you next weekend!)

5 cups rolled grains
1/2 cup whole flax seeds
1/2 cup whole millet
1/2 cup kefir (vinegar or lemon juice)
5 cups water
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup brown sugar or coconut sugar crystals (I have tried both and prefer the coconut sugar)
1/4 cup honey
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1 cup shredded coconut, unsweetened
1 cup raisins (i added some craisins too)
1 cup pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup wheat germ

In a large bowl, place rolled grains, flax seed and millet. Add kefir and water, mix, cover and let soak on counter for 12 to 24 hours. The mixture will become a bowl of mush. Place mixture in a mesh strainer and rinse well. In a large bowl combine oil, sugar, honey, cinnamon and salt. Fold in rinsed mush, coconut, raisins, seeds and wheat germ. Spread out in a thin layer on 2 lined baking sheets. Bake on lowest oven setting until dry, turning as needed. If you oven has a dehydrating setting, set it at 115 degrees to preserve the enzymes and turned about every 6 -8 hours for 24 hours. The higher the heat, the more you turn and the less time it takes to dry.


Becca said...

I thought I was the only one who used coconut sugar! Can't wait to taste this!

The Burtons said...

I can't wait to try it! I need to go to the specialty store!

Rachel said...

That looks great! I made some soaked granola last month, it was tasty, but it took so long to make it and I got enough for one breakfast, so it was hard to justify the time spent for me, but it sure is nice having something easy to grab.
I am getting used to soaking my grain for pancakes, and you're right- it's not hard, just takes more thought.

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