Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Homemade Mayo

There are some really inspiring people out there on the internet. People who make good wholesome, healthy food. I admire their efforts and the time they take to share things with the world.

We dont eat many meat sandwiches anymore, so mayo is not a part of our lives here, but summer is coming up, that means lots of BBQs with family and friends. This mayo is such a great replacement for the store bought container of mayo or Miracle Whip.

This picture is from Karas blog and her recipe can be found here.

Quinoa Salad

Look at this colorful bowl of deliciousness.

We have been eating lots of this, thanks to Alisa Burke

Her pictures are much more beautiful than mine, and I bet her bowl of salad tastes better too. Seriously, you should read her post about this salad. I dreamed about it for days after seeing her pictures!

My kids and I have been taking about food a lot lately and I am trying to teach them the value of colorful foods. They chow this down like there is no tomorrow. And they eat the leftover quinoa by the spoonful for a snack. Does my heart good.
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